tablet, pill meaning in English
- Sanen pharmacy company has 5 dosage forms of tablet , pill , granulation , syrup , oral liquid and 28 varieties approved by the state and 2 kinds of health care products
三恩药业公司现有片剂、丸剂、颗粒剂、糖浆剂、口服液五大剂型28个国药准字品种,两个保健品种。 - At present , more than 140 kinds of chinese medical products , in dozens of forms , including capsules , tablets , pills , granules and oral solutions are manufactured from the company , most of these products are collected into " the catalogue of basic chinese medicines " and " the catalogue of basic insurance chinese medicines "
公司目前生产胶囊、片剂、丸剂、颗粒剂、口服液等十几个剂型、 140余种中药产品,其中绝大多数已被收入《国家基本药物目录》及《国家基本医疗保险药品目录》 。